August 3, 2011

The Beginning

Here we go everyone! I have officially begun my journey into the world of homemade soap. After much research and encouragement (harassment?) from my husband I have decided to really try and make this soap thing work.

Since some of you are probably wondering how this idea came to be, I'll do my best to describe it. After Benjamin was born I struggled with the idea of returning to work. I felt the need to use my chemistry degree I had just acquired, but I could not willingly leave my son in someone else's care. The solution? Find something that I could do from home.

My husband, Johnathan, had been determined to build a home lab in our house. I was less enthusiastic about this prospect and so I took a trip to the library to try and find something that was not as intense as a "home lab."

I sat down at the communal computer staring at the search catalog box with the blinking cursor wondering, "What do I want to do?" So I typed in 'crafts'. I get all sorts of crazy books for kids' crafts with popsicle sticks and brown paper bags. Nothing there. Let's try 'homemade'. Mostly recipe books and a few homesteading books. Interesting.... but not really what I wanted. Finally out of the blue I decide to try 'homemade soap'. And with that click of the "search" button my journey began.

As with all journeys (especially crafty and slightly hazardous ones) there were several failed attempts: soap leaking through cracks in boxes, oil separating into layers as the soap dries, block of soap from mold not fitting into the cutter box even though they came as a set (WHAT?! I PAID HOW MUCH FOR THIS SET?!). We've cracked a few jars and burned a few batches but we finally succeeded in producing a bar of soap!

Left: Block cutter   Right: Mold box with soap

First time using the Soap Cutter

I still haven't found my niche in the formerly unknown world of homemade soap. But I can say with confidence and excitement... this is the beginning of something good.

*SS Soaps*

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